HIPPY: Supporting Settlement and Early Learning – One Home Visit at a Time
Immigration Welcome Week – Mothers Matter Centre celebrates touching 45,000 lives through the
Stronger Together | COVID-19, A Year In Review for MMC and the HIPPY Family Across Canada
Genet’s HIPPY Story: ‘I think HIPPY was the only way to get out of my situation.’
1150 Tablets Handed Out to HIPPY Families
“Getting the family involved in the educational process is a great opportunity.”
“We have had so many mothers interested.”
“The HIPPY Program will break the isolation of newcomer families.”
“We hope that this will be an ongoing process for our community.”
Loly’s Lifeline: Indigenous HIPPY
Help Stay ‘N’ Play Stay this Giving Tuesday
HIPPY – Meeting the Needs of Already Isolated Families During the COVID-19 Pandemic
HIPPY Home Visitors At Michelle Obama Event
New Aboriginal HIPPY Sites
The Honourable Minister Ahmed Hussen Makes a House Call